Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Episode 135: Special Effects, Monsters, Horror, and Creative Inspiration with Special Effects Makeup Artist Beatrice Sniper

In this episode of BS'ing with Sean K, Sean Kneese talks to special effects make up artist Beatrice Sniper about working in the film industry, horror, special effects, make up effects, practical effects vs. CGI, creative inspiration and more. She has won several awards for best FX makeup in multiple festivals. Beatrice is based in New York/New Jersey (also jumps at the opportunity to travel for work) and uses her makeup skills to participate in movies, events, theme parks, productions, and military training exercises from all around the world. Beatrice's website: Donate to BS'ing: Paypal: Zelle: Venmo: @Sean-kneese

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Episode 134: Are we living in a simulated reality?- With artist and simulation theorist Doug Rizio.

In this episode of BS'ing with Sean K, Sean Kneese talks to artist and simulation theorist Rizio about simulation theory, art, sci-fi, fantasy, spirituality, movies and other interesting topics. The simulation hypothesis is a proposal regarding the nature of existence that posits that all of existence is an artificial simulation, such as a computer simulation. Rizio hosts a live stream series that explores this topic with guests from all over the world. Rizio's art mixes elements of sci-fi and fantasy. Sean K has described it as "Tolkien meets cyberpunk art", and Rizio says he likes that description.

Donate to BS'ing: Paypal: Zelle: Venmo: @Sean-kneese

Monday, April 4, 2022

Episode 133: “The Artist’s Way and some other random deep philosophical shit” with improviser and actor Ryan Gurian

In this episode of BS'ing with Sean K, Sean Kneese talks to improviser and actor Ryan Gurian about acting, improv, the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron and how that inspired him, and coping with regret, rejection, and negative emotions. They also get into other deep and philosophical topics as well. Donate to BS'ing: Paypal: Zelle: Venmo: @Sean-kneese