Saturday, November 17, 2018

Episode 67: Political correctness, religion, atheism, and SJWs vs. Anti-SJWs with Jenny from San Antonio

In this episode Sean Kneese BSes with Jenny from San Antonio, TX about life in her hometown, YouTube drama(SJWs vs Anti-SJWS), free speech, political correctness, religion and atheism. Jenny also talks about her Mexican heritage and Sean Kneese talks about his German and Russian-Jewish heritage This episode follows the true meaning of BSing: It is less of a formal interview and more of a long form "shooting the shit" format than other episodes. Jenny has chosen to remain anonymous and to only use her first name but not her last name and the BSing staff(Sean Kneese) has respected her wishes.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Episode 66: Glenn E. Berkenkamp: Musician, Norseman, and Beer-Lover who hates Racism

In this episode Sean Kneese talks to musician Glenn Berkenkamp. His main music project Mdrn Vkng combines elements of trap music, hip hop and death metal and deals with themes related to Norse Mythology and Norse culture Berkenkamp describes himself as a renaissance man who loves to rap, play drums and talk Norse mythology. Above all he hates racists of any kind and how they’ve hijacked symbols of Norse and Viking culture. Glenn is also in the bands Zion and In For the Night